Sunday, October 31, 2010

One Left

I've spent the weekend mastering tracks. All are essentially finished except for the last track "Comfort Me" which still needs some re-mixing and mastering. I've been reluctant to start that process because it is going to be some work. But I did get so a lot done with the rest of the songs. I've even gone back to songs that I thought were "finished" and have found ways to make them sound even better. One of the problems is that I'm still learning to use Logic Express, picking up new tricks along the way. Each time I figure something new out, I have to go back and apply it to every song. So that's basically what I did all weekend.

So now it's on to the final task at hand. I've never been happy with the way "Comfort Me" has sounded, but it was such a pain to mix it to the point it is at now. I'm hoping the time I have spent away from it (mixing it at least) will make it easier to come back to with fresh ears. I've had plenty of time to listen to it and I have a pretty good idea of the major changes it needs. I hope I can easily bring it up to the level it needs to be at. So that's my goal for this week. I'm not sure how much time I'll get this week because Desta has a project that she needs to finish on the computer. We really need a second iMac.

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