Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Never And Forever"... the working title for my next musical project. It's coming along much faster than I could have hoped. A little bit darker, a little more mellow, a little more moody and emotionally engaging, and easily some of the best music I've ever created. This 7 or 8 track album is going to be very consistent in mood and texture. Hopefully it will play out like a nice little journey of sorts for the listener. It will be a great little album to sit down and listen to as one entire piece of work. I can't wait to release it to the world. It is definitely a step in a slightly new direction. That direction being mainly up, top bigger and better things.

Here are the tracks that are slated for inclusion along with a brief description:

Never And Forever - Fast with a driving beat and a fantastic chord progression. No real chorus. Doesn't really need one.

So Far Gone - New sounds and textures. Slightly reminiscent of "This Moment". A little darker maybe, and yet it has a bubbly light quality to it as well. This would be the single.

Come And Gone - Quite epic in both sound and sadness. Built around a steady and beautiful guitar figure that builds upon itself. Crescendos quite nicely into the bridge before stripping it back down to the lone guitar before one short final burst at the end.

You Can't Go Home - A simple acoustic folksy number? At first it might seem so. By the end it gets quite dramatic and beautiful.

Save My Soul - This is the song that is the LEAST complete right now. Hard to know how this will sound when it is finished. A fantastic song structurally and lyrically. I can't imagine it NOT being excellent when finished.

Anything At All - A dark descending guitar introduces the verses and is repeated in the chorus. There is also a pre-chorus that picks up the pace and lightens things up a bit before going back into the guitar again. An intensely building outro changes the second half of the song completely. A string section spirals upwards continually and is joined by guitars that build to a glorious climax.

Time Takes Time - A perfectly mellow closer that ends the album on an uplifting note. A song of hope for the future. "I'll be just fine, but time takes time"

And there you have it..."Never And Forever"...coming soon to a computer near you.

Watch this space.


Cathy Jo said...

Can we hear them anywhere yet?

Unknown said...

not yet. hopefully something soon.