Friday, November 16, 2007

Woke Up This Morning...

...with a song in my head.

Sometimes it just happens like that. You are just given a song as a gift without even trying or asking. Such was the case this morning as I woke up (late for work) and walked to the bathroom. A cheery song about sunshine began playing in my head. It's funny because I was not in a very cheery mood at the time. Inspiration is unpredictable like that.

So, late as I already was, I decided to skip the shower and instead pulled out the acoustic and pounded (quietly, of course) out the chords I was hearing in my head (C, G, Dm, F). I also came up with a chord structure for the verses (C,G, Am, Am).

The words that I heard in my head were these:

So let the sun shine on me
And keep the rain far from me
(Haven't figured this line out yet)
Until the daylight becomes me

So, there you have it boys and girls, the beginning of a song. Someday when you are listening to the finished product you can feel privileged to know the back story of this little gem of a tune called "Sunshine" (or whatever it ends up being called by then).

1 comment:

s.k.namanny said...

Just as long as you never, NEVER have a song called SONshine.

You're right about inspiration. Physicists who recieve it talk about the "three B's". Bed, Bus, and Bathroom.